Finca “Don Mayo”

Located in Costa Rica’s best known coffee region, Tarrazú, the Don Mayo micro mill is run by the Bonilla Solis family. The property where the mill is located in San Marcos de Tarrazú was owned by “Abuelo Mayo” – who together with his grandson Mr. Amado Bonilla Valverde, were pioneers in the Los Santos region caficultura tradition. The Tarrazú highlands are considered to have ideal climate, altitude and soil conditions for coffee production and the Don Mayo family cultivate 100% Caturra variety in all 10 family estates and complete the process by processing their own coffee to guarantee the highest quality. They earned the #1 spot at the 2009 Cup of Excellence and have consistently placed in the top spots for the past years.

Don Mayo  lot 44 Finca La Casa, Varietal: Caturra, Fully Washed, San Marcos, Tarrazú, 1600+     shade grown with musaceas plants (plantain, banana), poró trees, apples, and avocado, products of high added value that minimize the usage of chemicals and offer a great quantity of organic fertilizer.

Don Mayo